Central Tramway reopened on the 20th of May after a large engineering and infrastructure upgrade project focusing primarily on the carriages, chassis and emergency brakes.
The work was intended to secure the tramway for many more years to come and was the largest project for 50 years.
We thank you for your patience during this time and look forward to welcoming you back.
(Please check opening times before visiting as there are planned closures for continuing engineering work linked to the project).
The work has included:
Fully replacing both chassis, which date from the 1930s
New emergency brakes fitted - to be integrated with new drive system
The tram carriages are to be upgraded and the exteriors are to be repainted
New flooring throughout the carriages
New placement of batteries for carriage lighting
New lighting for carriages and tracks
Interior of the stations is to be painted
Central Tramway is working with specialist engineers, Wheelsets UK for this project and will keep you informed of progress via our social media channels.

January 2022 both the carriages and chassis have been taken off site for works.
The chassis will be replaced and the carriages will be fully refurbished and reconditioned ready for reinstallation.

10/03/22: Work carried out a Wheelsets UK in March 2022. Interior and exterior refurbishment of both tram carriages.

During works it was found that the carriage doors needed to be fully replaced. This meant fabricating new doors, outside the original remit of the job.

New chassis receive first coats of primer and undercoat before first coats of black paint. Delays to fabrication of new chassis has delayed the project by approximately 3/4 weeks. Current estimated reopening is now mid-May.

The reconditioned carriages and new chassis are delivered back on site by Wheelsets UK and Bryn Thomas Cranes Ltd.
They are positioned back on the tracks. The Olympia carriages is winched out of the way for the delivery of the Grand Carriage. A successful day.
Reopening was finally scheduled for the 20th of May.

The tramway reopened to passengers on the 20th of May 2022.